Gaming and Lottery Club Merchant Account Services
Lottery Clubs Sales, Turn Your Profits Into a High Score Recent market research shows that an estimated 44% of online gamers in the United States earn over 50,000 U.S. dollars annually. If anything, this gives us some insight that some serious cash is being spent throughout the online gaming world. Yet still, some companies are rather resistant to sell expensive virtual products online because of the high risks associated with online payment processing.
A failed payment that slips through the cracks online can mean unrightful distribution of products, or a chargeback nightmare in your customer service department if you handle payment processing in-house while also managing an online business. Another online gaming industry with some serious profit to be made is the online gambling industry.
Some states take the cake in the online casino arena, but the largest one is New Jersey. According to recent Forbes’ Magazine research, New Jersey represents an estimate 30% of all online gambling transactions made in the United States. The research group GamblingData estimates that by 2017, New Jersey will have generated an estimated $463 in revenue by 2017.
With Online Gambling taking mainstage in the online gaming sales of many websites, making sure that an already high-risk transaction hobby has accurate successful payment processing options with reliable and easy to understand virtual POS terminals is key to an easy transaction experience for your customer, and successful credit card purchases and other online transactions for your business, and its online sales profit.
Consumers often use online gaming as a way to relax, and making the online transaction difficult or hard to process is an immediate turn off for a working individual looking to blow off some steam. This often makes the small fee of a high risk payment processing option worth it, especially for a guarantee to process a high volume of transactions successfully.
The online gaming industry is a booming multi-billion dollar industry throughout the globe. This means, there is always profit out there waiting to be earned. Having a high quality third party payment processor, that also has the technology and customer support to handle high volumes of transactions is key to avoid frustration, and lost purchases. Even worse, possible returning or regular online customers.
Having to take time out of your busy day to deal with transaction issues, chargebacks, and notification that your online transactions are failing can cause panic, and an ultimate aversion to selling through online terminals using virtual point of sale options. Chances are if they have an easy purchase option, and enjoy your product - with the convenience of online purchasing that allows a process with no error could seal the deal in converting them into one of your regular customers.
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Our specialtyis finding the right home for your visa and mastercard processing needs - we can and will place any High Risk Category!

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