Airline Tickets, Ticket Brokers, Adult Ticket Events
Know everything about merchant accounts for ticketing industry
Nowadays you can buy the tickets online for sporting events, concerts, musicals or rock shows. All you have to do is to just click the required website and enter the necessary details and key in your credit card information. You don’t need to stand in long queues for several hours at a time. As a consumer, other than saving time you can often avail of various deals and discounts online when compared to direct sales.
Therefore almost all ticketing agencies have an ecommerce website to provide a satisfactory experience to the customer. To begin with, ticket brokers need merchant accounts to setup their online business. At this point one should understand that getting merchant account for Event tickets and ticket brokers is not that simple.
Ticketing online is High Risk Business
It is fairly common for a startup ticketing agency to be denied or shutoff by credit card processors like PayPal or First Bank because of the risks involved in this industry. The standard merchant accounts often classify online ticket brokerage as a high risk business. Because of this factor the rates are high and rolling reserves become compulsory.
Why is ticket brokerage high risk?
The business is prone to frauds and scams. It is not uncommon for sale of fraudulent tickets online. Some businesses have reputation problems such as Adult Event Tickets and Airline Ticket Brokers.
The Chargebacks involved are very high which have to be borne by the merchant account.
Because of the non face-to-face nature of sales, a stolen credit card might be used. Once the theft is discovered the only way to get back your money is from the broker.
Finally the waiting period between the payment and the delivery of services or product is unusually long.
All the above factors make banks or other credit card processors wary of associating with merchant accounts for ticketing.
A physical brick and mortar ticketing shop will not have to face these difficulties - no rolling reserve requirements, no setup fees, no application fees, billing is easier and the payment processing simpler.
What is the solution for startups in the ticketing industry?
Only specific merchant account providers deal with high risk businesses like ticketing. They are well equipped to setup payment gateways, have multiple underwriting banks that ensure that your financial needs are always covered. The team is usually specialized in credit card processing, check drafting, ACH and all other related services.
Once you become an online merchant do not grab the first processor because you have faced several denials and shut downs. It is in fact, very crucial that you identify a reputed high risk processor who has prior experience in dealing with the ticketing business. Because along with the rates and fees involved you must have access to good customer service and technical support.
What are the features of the merchant account for ticketing?
Today almost all businesses have an ecommerce website for all internet related dealings. Ticketing especially needs a merchant account which is capable of accepting online payments, processing debit or credit card and other means of payment to meet the customer’s needs.
The keys features to look for in a merchant account are:
Online shopping cart: It is one of the most important features of any ecommerce website because all
URLs with keywords will ensure maximum SEOs for your services or products.
The shopping carts also aids in ticket inventory tracking, user ratings, and review reports pertaining to your business, manage customer related issues, manage back end operations and process customer orders smoothly.
Virtual terminal: Almost all online transactions take place via debit card or credit cards like Visa, Master, Discover or Amex. These transactions are no card present transactions where just the information on the credit card suffices. You need virtual terminals for credit card processing to make online purchases easy for your customers and to receive payments instantly for you.
Mobile friendly: Your account should be mobile friendly because several travelers use IPhone or Android Mobile apps to book their tours and tickets. As a result mobile booking becomes a necessity especially to the ticketing industry.
Automated e-mail generator: It is important that your merchant account be capable of sending emails to customers regarding their booking status and payment confirmation. The customers must receive reminders regarding the upcoming event too because remember the time between payment and the actual event is always long.
Integrate promotion codes: A good and capable merchant account will be able to integrate promotion codes into the booking system. As a result not only will the number of bookings improve, you will also have clients who are happy for the extra savings that come their way.
A reliable merchant account will ensure that all these marketing tools are available to the online merchants to improve their business and build a satisfied customer base.
Are you sure which account is right for you -Domestic or Offshore
No is the time to decide the kind of merchant account that is suitable for you. Most high risk businesses often find offshore accounts profitable and easier to operate because of the minimal regulations and ease of opening an account. But there are chances of fraud in offshore options and the security less. In contrast, domestic accounts can prove to be a better choice for those who value security and decent rates.
You can have both onshore and offshore accounts or opt for one of them only. Some service providers offer both options while others deal only with domestic accounts. According to your needs you can choose any or both of the options.
We have been dealing with merchant accounts for ticketing industry for several years now. Our representatives are well versed in online ticket payment process. We have all the required gateways and software for smooth transactions. Our rates are reasonable and our fees negotiable. Our expertise in the field will ensure that you have a satisfying experience.
We have tied up with leading credit card processing companies that are reliable and provide affordable rates. Our partners are spread over the world to facilitate all off shore account opening and transactions.
We have some of the best payment gateways in the ticketing industry. Now it is really easy to accept online payments and do real time transactions in a safe and secure manner. All our dealing are completely safe and secure.
Do not forget to download our mobile apps to access our services from anywhere and anytime.
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We strive to be a true service provider with your business to make sure that you are getting the absolute best service at the absolute best visa and mastercard rates possible!
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Our specialtyis finding the right home for your visa and mastercard processing needs - we can and will place any High Risk Category!

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